The marker marked CD

Disks inside paper covers, labeled with black marker, are frequent tropes of creepypastas, showing that the disk is suspicious or even possibly haunted.
Yet I never expected this to happen in real life, leading to one of the most frightening experiences of my life.
I went to a local flea shop a week ago. I went to a little stall and bought a CD. It was inside a paper cover, labeled with black marker "It's like I got this music in my mind sayin' it's gonna be alright" in messy printing.
I paid the man a few dollars, and went home. The CD looked a bit suspicious, but I shrugged it off: it's not like all CD disks labeled with markers are haunted or something.
It began to play on the television. A female celebrity, one that looks familiar, appeared onscreen with several backup dancers behind her. It was a fairly normal pop song, but something was off.
The first thing that I found to be odd was the fact that the singer was dancing awkwardly, while the backup dancers were more synchronized. Then, it struck me that the song's genre was off: it was full pop rather than country pop. The lyrics seemed off, too: it seems like that the song is trying to tell me something-it labeled anyone who disagrees a hater, and implies that the "haters" are insignificant.
After that day, the song haunted my dreams: I realized what it meant: I'm a hater, the insignificant one. It's trying to tell me that I was insignificant to the bigger, more powerful forces in the world-those responsible for this very CD, labeled with black marker.